Emerald Hill Mission exists to assist and care for members of our community who are homeless, elderly and disadvantaged. Our work extends from the western suburbs, through the CBD to south of the Yarra.
We look to guide alienated youth helping them to lead more productive and rewarding lives through the provision of books, uniforms, travel assistance and excursions so they may fully engage in secondary education.
We also aim to bring hope to the poor, lonely and marginalised, offering them a warm caring space to socialise, a welcoming smile and friendly ear, a daily hot meal or simply a cup of tea.
Emerald Hill Mission is a secular, not-for-profit organisation.
100% of funds are used directly in our programs and the provision of services to members of our community.
Donations can be:
Financial (all donations over $2 are tax-deductible)
Products can be donated and used within our programs’ fund raising
Food items (non-perishable) are greatly valued.
Volunteering your time to the Open House services or our regular fund-raising charity events. (377 Dorcas Street, South Melbourne)
Demand for our programs is growing - constantly looking for volunteers.
The Future of the Emerald Hill Mission is dependent upon our Sponsors, Donors and Community Volunteers.
Nearly every cent raised goes to those in need. Thanks to our sponsors, volunteers and dedicated committee, we are very proud that it is estimated that less than 1% of money raised through general fundraising efforts is spent on the administration of EHM. So every dollar you donate goes to those you want to support.
We are small; we are hands on; we care.
Emerald Hill Mission exists to assist and care for members of our community who are homeless, elderly and disadvantaged. Our work extends from the western suburbs, through the CBD to south of the Yarra.
We look to guide alienated youth helping them to lead more productive and rewarding lives through the provision of books, uniforms, travel assistance and excursions so they may fully engage in secondary education.
We also aim to bring hope to the poor, lonely and marginalised, offering them a warm caring space to socialise, a welcoming smile and friendly ear, a daily hot meal or simply a cup of tea.
Emerald Hill Mission is a secular, not-for-profit organisation.
100% of funds are used directly in our programs and the provision of services to members of our community.
Donations can be:
The Future of the Emerald Hill Mission is dependent upon our Sponsors, Donors and Community Volunteers.
Nearly every cent raised goes to those in need. Thanks to our sponsors, volunteers and dedicated committee, we are very proud that it is estimated that less than 1% of money raised through general fundraising efforts is spent on the administration of EHM. So every dollar you donate goes to those you want to support.
We are small; we are hands on; we care.